Sam Moffatt

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Mambo to Joomla
Written by Sam Moffatt   
Wednesday, 07 September 2005

You may or may not be aware of the old development team of Mambo ( ) quitting and setting up shop rebranding the Mambo CMS as Joomla! (

This is a big move and a very unique case, it is rare for the entire core development team, maintainence teams, support teams, documentation teams and even the Summer of Code team (of which I am one), picked up its tools and moved. It appears most of the community are also in support of the new Joomla! project and have moved with them.

The fallout is from the creation of the Mambo Foundation which caused the Dev Team to split. The press releases and comments on the forum appeared to indicate that the Dev Team, or atleast part there of, were going to split and fork the project. I'm not quite sure that Miro realized what they actually created in the Foundation the stir that they would cause.

Theres a lot more to the story I'm sure, and the lone mamber covers it, check out his page out at

Last Updated ( Wednesday, 07 September 2005 )
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