Sam Moffatt

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Joomla!Day Melbourne 2008
Written by Sam Moffatt   
Monday, 07 January 2008

Here is the bio I wrote for Joomla!Day Melbourne in 2008 that was held at the University of Melbourne.

At some point in late 2003 Sam was asked if he wanted to join the Mambo Core Team by Andrew. It needed developers but Sam didn't have the time as a trainee and high school student, not to mention no skills. For the next year and a half Sam toyed with Mambo before Summer of Code and Joomla! came along. The rest, as they say, is history.

Sam has years of being young, he hopes that one day he'll be writing a bio and have something more to mention than just being a Uni student and the youngest member of Joomla!, you've got to have something to look forward too. Lately with Joomla! he's been working on 1.5 with authentication, migration and building cool installer doodats such as the package installer (multi-installer) and library installer. He also wonders if the bio writing skill gets better over time, must be an experience thing.

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