Sam Moffatt

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GMail Authenticaton
Written by Sam Moffatt   
Friday, 17 February 2006

GMail authentication is now available in Joomla! 1.1 SVN as I've noted on my developer blog (

GMail authentication is provided by triggering a HTTPS request to the GMail Atom feed provider. This returns either 200 success (and access granted) or a 401 authorization request failed. From here, this information is used to examine the Joomla! user table to see if the user is a valid user within the system. If the particular email address does not match to a username (with this your username is your email address), then a registered user is created within the system for that user. Then they are logged in.

At the moment, the system does not retrieve the real name of the account. I'm also interested in seeing if I can get Yahoo integration working.

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